The municipality of Piazzola extends longitudinally for over 12km following for ample sections the course of the River Brenta. The presence of the river together with the many examples of historic-artistic places of interest, make Piazzola a perfect starting point for many different itineraries that can be taken on foot, by bicycle and even on horseback.

Amongst the many possible routes, here are the most important and appealing.

The Treviso – Ostiglia Foot and Cycle path.

This route (114km) that follows the old abandoned military railway that connected Treviso with Ostiglia (Mantova province)  cuts obliquely thorough the Piazzola area. At the time of writing only the Treviso - Vicenza section  have been completed but further sections are already accessible and it is expected that the whole route will be completed in a short time.

We would like to remind you that one of the planned service areas of the route will be   located in the Piazzola area. The former depot at the end of Via Nizza is a candidate to  become a point of reference for all those that travel along the route everyday.

Oasi Naturalistica del Brenta. (Brenta Nature Reserve)

(From Piazzola to Carturo 10km ca.) Starting from Piazza Paolo Camerini, opposite the magnificent Villa, it is possible to travel towards the River Brenta and point northwards right up to the village of Carturo (or, for those wish to travel further, up to Carmignano di Brenta), passing through the nature reserve created along the river and distinguished by some particularly suggestive views, due to the presence of lakes arising from old abandoned quarries. This route is particularity indicated for those that would like to combine art with nature; you can in fact spend part of your day visiting the Villa and, maybe after a hearty lunch, spend the rest of the day on the excursion.

Anello di Piazzola (Piazzola Ring)

This route, which in part overlaps the route described above, is about 20km long and allows you to travel a circuit within the Piazzola area. Taking Villa Contarini as a starting point, the    route travels north following the course of the River Brenta and then bends west towards the Isola Mantegna, the birthplace of the famous artist and where you can find Villa   Paccagnella and Villa Ramina (known as “La Colombina”) and then onto Presina. The  route back into the town centre follows the beautiful canal that rises from the artificial basin created in Presina.


The Tavello, an area of remarkable natural and panoramic interest, even though it is part    of the Limena town area it naturally overlaps into Piazzola territory. Taking the beautiful   Villa Trieste as a starting point, it is possible to decide whether to venture south towards  Limena or to travel north towards Curtarolo (in the Tessara locality). The route can be undertaken by foot, bicycle or even horseback

We would like to mention that these routes are only but a few of the possible routes in the area, as  they often interconnect with other paths which allow you to considerably increase the number of routes that you could take. For example, the Treviso – Ostiglia (traveling towards Treviso) intersects the “Percorso Muson dei Sassi” with the possibility therefore to head south towards Padova or north towards Castelfranco and from there even to Asolo following the “Percorso degli Ezzelini”. To mention also the interconnections with the via Romea Germanica and with the via Postumia.

Finally we would also like to mention that during major local events such concerts, antique fairs, etc. the town council for the purpose of promoting its territory and its history makes available for free, a number of bicycles and organised guided excursions.

For info :  049-9697941